1: Enable the "Wired AutoConfig" service to automatically start.
a: Click on the start menu and type: "services" and open the "services App".
b: Sort the list of services by name and find: "Wired AutoConfig"
c: open the service. Change "Startup Type" to "Automatic"
d: click apply and then click on "Start"
2: Enable 802.1X authentication for a wired Ethernet network.
a: Click on the start menu and type: "network" open the "Network status, System settings".
b: select "Ethernet" then change adapter options.
c: right click on the connection you want to setup for dot1x authentication.
d: Select the "Authentication" tab and check the "Enable" box. If the tab is missing then the "Wired AutoConfig" service is not running.
e: The next step depends on if your organization have chosen to import the Lionstripe Radius root certificate located here.
e1: Certificate has been distributed to computers. Make sure the certificate is selected as trusted for this connection:
e2: Certificate has NOT been distributed to computers. Make sure the certificate check is disabled, by unchecking the "Verify the server's identity by validating the certificate" box:
f: Click "Configure..." next to the authentication method drop down, and uncheck "Automatically use my Windows logon name and password".
Then click ok on the "EAP MSCHAPv2 Properties" window, and ok on the "Protected EAP Properties" window.
g: Generate LSD credentials for the computer using the LSD Dashboard. Usernames must start with:
"host/" followed by a host-name.
Host-names can only contain Upper/lower case letters and numbers, dashes (-) and periods (.). No other characters are allowed.
Example of a valid username: "host/desktop-7yhEDss.example.local"
h: Enter LSD credentials for the connection.
Click ok to all the windows and connect the computer to the network.
Verify the computer gets a connection. If you the connection reports failed, check the steps above and verify the connection authenticated.
If the interface transitions to state Enabled, Identifying or displays your company domain the connection authenticated successfully.