Adding a new Member to a wireless network
Members log on to the network using a username and unique password. You will add the user to the dashboard and copy the password to send on to them.
Step 1: Log into the Lionstripe Dashboard.
Step 2: On the top heading click on the Users Menu > Select Add User/Mac > Enter the Email address of the member and click Click to Validate.
Access type: Wireless
Networks: Select the property (if you manage more than one location)
Packs: Adding a MEMBER
- If you are adding a member: Select Members
- If you are adding a member and they want a private company network: If the company's private network is on the list, please select that network from the dropdown menu.
- If the company's private network does not yet appear in the list, add the user/device to a placeholder for example Private network #1. Then send an email to requesting the name to be updated to the appropriate network name.
If a user has been added to a private company network, and they would like to have both wireless and wired access to that network, their device's MAC address will also have to be added to the private company network by following the steps in Other devices (printers, access control, cameras, etc.)
Step 3: Select SAVE
Step 4: Now you will need to copy the password to send to the user. Click on the Person Icon
Step 5: Click on the Unlock Icon at the top right hand corner
Step 6: In the pop up box, click on the Copy Icon to copy the password
Step 6: Finally, use the email template provided to you to send the member their username and password you just copied.
How to add a device to the network (printers, access control, cameras, etc)
Part 1: Finding the device's MAC address
First you will need to find your device's MAC address. This article explains how to find your device's MAC address in detail: Finding a device's MAC address
Part 2: Adding the MAC address into the Dashboard:
Step 1: Log into the Lionstripe Dashboard.
Step 2: On the top heading click on the Users Menu > Select Add User/Mac > Enter the Mac address of the device you just located and click Click to Validate.
Access type: Select Wireless or Wired (Most devices will be wireless but if you plug an internet cable into the device, select wired).
Networks: Select the property (if you manage more than one location)
- Adding a device to the right network
- If you are adding a PRINTER or Smart TV
- Send an email to and let us know who should have access to these devices: Members only, everyone including guests.
- If only Staff should have access to the printer: Select Your company network name
- If everyone in the space should have access, select Shared Resource like a Smart TV.
- If the user/device will be shared by a few members, they must be on the same company private network.
- If you are adding a CCTV camera: Select CCTV
- If you are adding an entry system like Salto, select Entry Network
- If you are adding a payment device, select Payment Network
- If you are adding a PRINTER or Smart TV
- Tip: If you entered a mac address, please add a note to identify the type of device the mac address belongs to. Example: Security camera on the 3rd floor by the elevator.
Step 3: Click Add User
If a user has been added to a private company network, and they would like to have both wireless and wired access to that network, their device's MAC address will also have to be added to the private company network by following the steps in Other devices (printers, access control, cameras, etc.)
Part 3: Copying the unique password for the device
Step 1: If you added a wireless device, scroll to the ISPK Key section and click on COPY to get the unique password for the device.
Step 2: The device will now go on the [CoworkingSpace-Device] network using this specific password.