Email and Password users
Users that you have already set up using their email address will now need to be issued a secure password. There are two ways to do that:
Option 1: Send an email to the user from the dashboard
- Log into your Lionstripe dashboard
- On the lefthand panel, hover over the second icon to expand the Network Access Control options. Then click on All Mappings.
- On the upper righthand corner, use the search bar and enter the username (partial will display results as well). Click on the gear icon next to the username to view their profile.
- Click on Send Password Reset Email to User.
- The dashboard will automatically send the user instructions on getting a password. This link expires after 24 hours. You can always reissue another password if needed.
Option 2: Admin can generate the password and copy it to their clipboard
When the admin generates a new password on the dashboard, it will copy to their clipboard so they can then provide to the user. Here's how:
- Log into your Lionstripe dashboard
- On the lefthand panel, hover over the second icon to expand the Network AccessControl options. Then click on All Mappings.
- On the upper righthand corner, use the search bar and enter the username (partial will display results as well). Click on the user profile.
- Click on Generate and Copy Password.
- Now the user's password is on the clipboard. The admin can enter it manually on the user's device or send it via the welcome email/Whatsapp/Slack, etc whatever is easiest for you!
Note: When you click on Generate and Copy Password, the user's password is automatically changed so please only use this as needed to avoid interruption.
Hot Desk/Event/Short Term
For short term users, the quickest way to get them online is to use a QR Code or provide them with the shared username and password. If they want username/password credentials to log in, no problem! Check out this article for step by step instructions here.
Getting a password for MAC address devices (printers, security cameras, casting devices, etc)
- Log into your Lionstripe dashboard
- On the lefthand panel, hover over the second icon to expand the Network AccessControl options. Then click on All Mappings.
- On the upper righthand corner, use the search bar and enter the mac address (partial will display results as well). Click on the gear icon next to the user to view its profile.
- On the profile page, find the device you need the password for and click on the gear icon
- On the next page, scroll down to the Attributes section and find the WiFi Password for the device under IPSK Key.