Adding a printer is easy, you just need to decide who will have access to the printer and add the appropriate package.
1. Log into the Lionstripe Dashboard
2. On the lefthand panel, hover over the second icon to expand the Network AccessControl options. Then click on All Mappings.
3. Under the first option Username click on theicon.
4. Under User name:
- Type in the device mac address.
5. Under Location: Select the property you are giving the user access to
- Select Wireless to provide wireless access
- Select Wired to provide wired access
7. Under package, select the appropriate access depending on who can access the printer:
- To add a printer to a private company's network, select MAC - Private
- If the printer will be accessible to all all guest at your property select MAC - Resource
- If the printer will only be accessible by your staff, select MAC - Internal
8. Click Add.